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Can reality technologies breathe new life for the struggling industry or is this just another fad?

通过TH!NK by IBI



的 rumor has been circulating for years that “journalism is a dying industry”. 传媒公司condonnast, 以《AG真人试玩网址》等杂志而闻名, 《AG真人试玩网址》, GQ, 祝你有个好胃口, 干草叉, and Wired has continually made cuts across their organization as a means of dealing with the surge of digitalization. 的 company has reduced the frequency of its print publications for many of its magazines, 将几本杂志改为只提供在线服务, 现在计划 出售 three of its titles to amend the $120 million loss in sales from last year.

One of Condé Nast’s most popular publications, 纽约客, has chosen to embrace the digital shift by publishing an augmented-reality cover, 由艺术家Christoph Niemann于2016年设计. This move signaled a shift in media and proved that print publications and technology may be able to co-exist after all. Since the May 2016 cover, Niemann has created several virtual reality works for 《AG真人试玩网址》 自2016年以来服务!“封面,2017”魔法森林” cover, and a more recent virtual illustration of “这艘船“在纽约的建筑. Niemann is a popular artist among publications such as New Yorker, Wired, and 《AG平台》 Magazine and his work as a digital artist shows just how far reality technology has cast its net across a sea of industries.

《AG平台》 可能是最大的媒体集团 采用 reality technologies thus far and uses augmented reality to provide visceral understanding of complicated events and ideas. 例如, the recent nightmare of the Thai soccer team stuck in a cave for three weeks generated worry across the globe; but to many, the situation was so detached from their reality that it was difficult to understand its full severity. In order to explain the complexity of the rescue mission needed to save these children, 《AG平台》 创建了一个 增强现实仿真 for readers to “step inside” the cave themselves. When the Fuego volcano erupted in Guatemala in June, 《AG平台》 数字化的 增强现实描绘 一个受损的区域供读者探索. 时代  used this technology as a means of in-depth human rights investigation when the Syrian military dropped a chlorine bomb on an apartment in Douma that allowed them to reconstruct a 虚拟犯罪现场 记者们无法访问.

While some speculate that reality technology is “既未来又过时”, its applications in media portray a different story. Can reality technologies breathe new life into the struggling industry or is this just another fad?

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